Waveform Technology Applies to SolarCurrents Utility-Owned Program

Waveform Technology, a leading Metro-Detroit Internet service provider and data center operator, announced today their application to Detroit Edison’s SolarCurrents Utility-Owned Program. Detroit Edison is looking for multiple businesses with suitable rooftops or level ground area to provide space for solar power generation plants. Waveform Technology is one of several applicants to the program.

If selected by Detroit Edison to participate, Waveform Technology will allow Detroit Edison to install a solar power plant on the roof of Waveform’s Troy, Michigan Data Center. Waveform Technology plans to use the SolarCurrents program to increase the amount of renewable energy used to power the Michigan Data Center, one of Metro Detroit’s largest public data centers.

“American businesses are increasingly reliant on Internet services which need data centers: f r o m E-Mail and websites to mobile applications and disaster recovery,” said Waveform representative Noel Montales. “The problem is that we need a tremendous amount of electrical energy to power those services, and more often that not that electricity comes form ‘dirty’ sources, like coal and oil.”

“If Detroit Edison chooses the Michigan Data Center as one of the sites for the SolarCurrents Program then we’ll ensure that a fair portion of our electricity comes f r o m a completely clean and renewable source: the sun,” continued Mr. Montales. “It makes us greener, but more importantly, it makes the IT departments of our clients a whole lot greener!”

SolarCurrents is one of the largest distributed programs in the country, and Detroit Edison will generate 15 megawatts of renewable electricity through the Utility-Owned portion. More information about the SolarCurrents program is available at http://www.dteenergy.com/solar.

Via EPR Network
Internet & Online press releases

Fasthosts Launches New Hosting Packages

Fasthosts Internet Ltd, a leading web hosting provider, has launched a brand new range of premium-quality shared web hosting packages that represent the company’s latest step in its drive to raise the standard of UK web hosting. The new packages combine huge quotas of web space with new professional-quality web building and monitoring tools, and Fasthosts’ unlimited website traffic. As the market for hosted solutions continues to grow apace, the new hosting range is designed to exceed the growing technical demands of businesses and IT professionals alike.

Fasthosts’ new range of Personal Hosting packages comprise the Standard package (5GB web space), and the Premium package (25GB web space). Both solutions include all the tools needed to maintain a professional-quality website with free SiteBuilder, Blog tool and MatrixStats. The Premium package boasts 10 FTP accounts, 10 x 1GB anti- virus/SPAM mailboxes and 1 free .UK domain.

Fasthosts’ new Business Hosting Packages are the Business Standard package (25GB web space), and Business Premium package (50GB web space). The flagship Business Premium delivers unlimited FTP accounts, up to 10 MYSQL databases and Load Balancing – which shares visitors over multiple web servers to maximise the uptime and speed of a website. All hosting packages are available in either Linux or Windows at no additional cost, an approach unique to Fasthosts.

Via EPR Network
Internet & Online press releases