Category Archives: Internet

How to Choose the Most Reliable SEO Company without Breaking a Sweat

LONDON, 2022-Oct-05 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Have you ever thought about your life as a business owner nowadays without technology? How would you manage your orders? But most importantly, how would you boost your company viewings? Could you promote your business without technology? Maybe yes, but this method will take longer and is not guaranteed. It can be frustrating sometimes to understand the basic marketing concepts and how to make your business blow up. Although there are no such fixed “recipes” for doing so, you can now relax because an SEO company can do the job for you. An SEO expert is a person who can make your life much easier by working on innovative ways to promote your business. If you are intrigued by the idea, let’s dive into the subject.

What is SEO?

In today’s corporate environment, SEO is constantly being discussed. You think you understand search engine optimization (SEO), but you may not know all the services included in the package or how to get the same results as an SEO company.

Suppose you want more customers and more exposure for your company. In that case, you need to familiarize yourself with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or let an SEO expert do the job for you.

Search engine optimization is a kind of digital marketing used by company owners to raise their brand’s awareness, website visits, leads, and sales and profits. SEO comes from “Search Engine Optimization,” an acronym that has been widely used. Although SEO was not so famous in the past, it is trendy to ask for an SEO agency’s services.

SEO is a strategy primarily used to improve a site’s visibility in organic search results and hence increase the likelihood of it being visited by its intended audience. Think of it as your loyal, brilliant friend who helps bring your business to the top market.

How does it Work?

Crawlers, often known as bots, are used by major search engines like Google and Gibiru to catalog every piece of online material they can discover. The crawler commences its journey from a specified web page, which explores the site’s internal linking structure and any external linkages to other sites. It learns then about each page and its semantic connections to others in the search engine’s colossal database, known as an index, from the content on those sites and the context of the links it follows.

Search engines use sophisticated algorithms to compile the most relevant and helpful results in response to a user’s query, whether that phrase is typed in or spoken to the search box. Web sites with text, news stories, photos, videos, local company listings, and other specialized content may appear in these organic results. If it sounds too complicated for you, do not miss out on the opportunity of hiring an SEO expert who can treat your business as their own.

Is it Worth Hiring an SEO Expert?

It is ok if you want to do SEO on your website (DIY) because learning is the best trait that a human can have. Hiring an expert, however, ensures that the process, which is crucial to the success of any organization, is handled with the utmost expertise and professionalism. Finding a good SEO company like GAMIT may be difficult, but you can make your dreams come true with rigorous research.

Still, if you think your business may succeed without an SEO agency’s assistance, consider the following three arguments in favor of enlisting the services of such a firm to drive qualified customers to your website and increase sales. Remember, your business needs to come first, so think wisely before acting.

1. Time

The availability of resources is crucial to the success of any enterprise, and how a company uses its resources depends on its availability. Because of this, it is wise to smartly manage your funds, taking the time to plot out the most lucrative use of the capital. Time is not only unreasonable but also irretrievably lost once it is spent. And let’s face it. SEO takes a lot of time, and the golden rule in business is not to waste any minute. Therefore, an expert in SEO can do the job for you before you know it and even exceed your expectations.

Maybe you are a newbie in your career field and think you have the time to manage your website’s search engine optimization. Still, in reality, this is the most crucial time when you need help building your website and promoting your business. Therefore, it is necessary to hire ASAP an SEO USA company. This will benefit you and your company: the time saved may be put to greater use in other high-pressure areas on the one hand, and your firm will enjoy the benefits of increased SEO traffic on the other. Think smart, not hard. Other people, such as an SEO expert, can do your job, so do not burden yourself too much.

2. A Professional Expert has an Affinity for Technical Details

SEO takes more than just a little bit of time. Some methods, skills, knowledge, and experience may seem like UFO or unsettling, and you cannot skimp on these abilities since they are crucial to providing good SEO services.

Skills like writing, communicating, understanding the bases of a business, computer programming, content marketing, time management, critical thinking, social skills, and decision-making are a few examples that an SEO expert must master. They have the best social and intellectual traits to help you achieve your goals.

In short, when working with an SEO company, these tasks are often delegated to professionals in their respective domains. If you do not have expert-level knowledge in the above areas, it is probably best to engage an SEO firm.

3. Their Strategies Work like Magic

There’s no denying that SEO may boost your site’s exposure, but if you do it yourself, what are the chances that your intended audience will find and use it? Experts in search engine optimization deal with these kinds of problems daily, and they will find the best strategy to work to boost your views.

Professional SEO aims for more than just an increase in traffic; it seeks out conversions, clicks, purchases, better rankings, and more. If you are wondering, “What exactly do SEO businesses do?” they do not simply broadcast a company to the globe; they post their content to the people who would be most interested in it.

All in all, is it worthwhile to invest in search engine optimization? Should you seek help from an SEO agency? Absolutely. And if you have not done it yet, you should hurry up and do it now. Not only will you be happy with the final results (if the agency is trustworthy), but the money spent on hiring an SEO specialist will also pay off.

What is an SEO Company?

Simply put, it is a company that provides similar goods and services to your business as any other company. Still, its focus is on SEO software and consulting rather than physical goods. Its mission is to improve your website’s online exposure by tailoring it to the needs of both your potential customers and search engines.

In addition to generating connections, they also create and optimize content, reorganize the site’s layout, and ensure its optimal functionality. But do not fall for it easily; not all SEO businesses provide this service. Therefore, do a background check on the SEO company you hire to avoid any unpleasant surprises. It would be best if you put the safety of your business first. Always select the SEO expert who has potential and shows results, not just rumors or promises.

What if you are Reticent?

It is no secret that many businesses may try to trick you or may deliver poor services. In times like this, when money is the symbol of power and everyone wants a piece, it is hard to find someone you should trust, especially with your business. It is hard, indeed, but not impossible. A witty move would be to do your “homework” before working with any SEO company, understanding their beliefs and standards regarding quality and searching for feedback from previous customers. Then, after you narrow down your options, it is best to go to their office (if they have one) to talk to them face-to-face. Do not panic if the SEO firm has no official office. Many businesses nowadays are working from home because it is more convenient. Also, you need to establish your budget because what you pay is what you will receive. It is essential to start from a clean slate and communicate well with the team because they need to understand what you are aiming for.

Final Thoughts

Although there is no explicit “method” for your business to blow up, you must be patient. There may be a couple of months before the results will show up. Just do your best and hang on. In times like this, you should focus only on your business and how to make it more unique. Thus, it would be best to ask for help because a good leader knows he cannot do everything alone. Leave pride aside and hire an SEO expert to help your company take off the market because working with a strong team will bring out the best in your business.


Via EPR Network
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Simplify Content: Agencija na daljinu specijalizirana za istraživanje tržišta, izradu i implementaciju strategije sadržaja

ZAGREB, 5-Sep-2022 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Simplify Content agencija sastoji se od dva mlada i inovativna člana, Ivana Jajića i Braslava Bradića. Ivan je uz svoje prethodno iskustvo u nekoliko industrija i područja poput revenue managementa, product Management i kontrolinga stekao relevantna iskustva potrebna za kreiranje strategije i sadržaja. Također, Ivan je autor nekoliko znanstvenih radova, većinom u područjima digitalne ekonomije, rudarenju podataka i primjeni umjetne inteligencije. Njegovi radovi objavljeni su u svjetski poznatoj bazi sažetaka i citata Scopus te najvećoj svjetskoj tehničkoj organizaciji posvećene unapređenju tehnologije za dobrobit čovječanstva – Instituta inženjera elektrotehnike i elektronike (IEEE). Svojim kontinuiranim radom i dodatnom edukacijom položio je i certifikate Hubspot Academya u području Content i Inbound Marketinga kao i Braslav. Braslav je s druge strane stručnjak u području kreativnih industrija. Niz godina kreira Facebook oglase za više klijenata dok video oglase radi i ispred i iza kamere. Njegov film “Jutro” uvršten je na program ovogodišnjeg filmskog festivala u Požegi. Radom u medijima oplemenjuje stečene kompetencije u marketingu i oglašavanju s naglaskom na društvene mreže. Dugi niz godina je i poduzetnik u turizmu i zabavi. 11 puta zaredom dobiva priznanje “Superhost” od Airbnb-a dok ja na Booking.comu također među najbolje ocijenjenim iznajmljivačima. Cijelo vrijeme unapređuje svoja znanja od ITHAS akademije u turizmu do Penn Stateu i HarvardX-u gdje polaže različite kolegije. Interesom za marketing i poduzetništvo u kulturi i umjetnosti piše znanstveni rad s docenticom s Ekonomskog fakulteta.

Oba člana Simplify Contenta imaju osim navedenog iskustva i završene diplomske studije. Ivan je završio diplomski studij Poslovne administracije sa specijalizacijom u Financijskom managementu s Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam dok je Braslav završio diplomski studij Poslovne ekonomije smjer Marketing na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Oba su završila preddiplomski studij poslovne ekonomije na engleskom jeziku Bachelor Degree in Business (BDiB) koji je nositelj EPAS akreditacije za izvrsnost studijskog programa, a sam Ekonomski fakultet u Zagrebu prestižnih AACSB i EQUIS akreditacija.

Simplify Content može Vam pomoći u kreiranju SEO sadržaja na Vašim Internet stranicama i implementirati Content Marketing strategiju potrebnu za kontinuirano prisustvo u digitalnom svijetu. Postavljanje SMART ciljeva i kreiranje strategije Vašeg poduzeća prvi je korak u postavljanju Pillar postova na društvene mreže te ostale platforme kao i kasnije re-objavljivanje istih uz male modifikacije. Content marketing kojim se Simplify Content bavi isključivo je organski što znači da kreiramo isključivo vlastiti sadržaj koji ima svoju SEO snagu te ga repozicioniramo prema potrebi na drugim platformama. Istraživanje tržišta, kreiranje SMART ciljeva, pisanje blog sadržaja koji rješava problem potencijalnog korisnika ili odgovara na pitanja trenutnog, kreiranje postova na društvenim mrežama, analitika i backlinking su glavne sastavnice naše agencije.

Dobivanje rezultata organskim načinom privlačenja korisnika dugotrajan je proces, no i jedini koji ostaje dugoročno! Plaćeni oglasi će u kratkom vremenu možda doprinijeti popularizaciji Vašeg poduzeća, no isti čim se dodijeljena sredstva potroše nestaju kao i ukupan reach Vašeg poduzeća. Dugoročni uspjeh je upitan, dok se od Vas traži kontinuirano investiranje u plaćene oglase.

Upravo zato obratite se nama kako bi zajedno s Vašim marketinškim i prodajnim odjelom usuglasili najbolju strategiju za Vaše poduzeće. Dogovorite s nama online sastanak i pročitajte više o Simplify Contentu ukoliko smatrate da Vaše poduzeće treba dugoročan trag kroz organski Content marketing u digitalnom svijetu, što svakako preporučujemo.

Simplify Content

Agencija na daljinu specijalizirana za istraživanje tržišta, izradu i implementaciju strategije sadržaja. Praktično i akademsko iskustvo u istraživanju tržišta putem Internet upitnika i drugih metoda čini nas drugačijima. Ako je potrebno, provodimo statističku analizu podataka ankete kako bismo istražili razine značajnosti. Stoga kombiniramo oba svijeta – strategiju sadržaja potkrijepljenu podacima. Cilj nam je prikupiti informacije i od Vas (našeg klijenta) i od Vaših potencijalnih kupaca kombinirajući ih u strategiju Content marketinga. Zatim transformiramo tu strategiju u dijelove za svaki kanal kojem ćemo pridonijeti u stalnoj suradnji s vama. Analitičko izvješćivanje i analiza svake implementirane Content marketing odluke radi se kako bismo bili sigurni da idemo u pravom smjeru. Ciljamo na dugoročne rezultate jer oni su ti koji traju!

Više o nama saznajte na –

Probax Launches Object Storage Powered By Wasabi To Partners In North America, Australia, Singapore and Europe

NEW YORK, 2022-Aug-11 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Probax has announced the launch of Honeycomb Object Storage as a Service powered by Wasabi.

The purpose-built Object Storage solution was designed for MSPs that need secure and simplified long-term AWS S3 compatible cloud storage for their customer data. With no egress or API request charges, faster performance than public cloud and bulletproof ransomware protection, Probax makes object storage simple with pay-as -you-go pricing models.

As a 100%-channel partner centric business, this launch represents Probax’s continued mission to empower its MSP partners to deliver scalable and reliable ‘out-of-the-box ready’ data protection solutions that offer substantial benefits to their own MSP business, while delivering real value to the customers they service.

“Long-term data retention is now easier and more cost-effective than ever for MSPs,” said Sam Meegahage, COO at Probax. “With industry-specific security and compliance, guaranteed availability, and all-inclusive pricing, MSPs can get an upper hand with Probax’s Object Storage as a Service. This disruptive cloud storage solution opens up the floodgates for data – partners and customers can store more data, across multiple locations and environments.”

“As a market leader in MSP cloud data protection solutions, our new Honeycomb Object Storage gives our MSP Partners more choice and flexibility when it comes to protecting their customer’s data.”

Available to MSPs in North America, Europe, Australia and Singapore, Probax’s Object Storage solution contributes to Wasabi’s global expansion.

“Wasabi is committed to providing simple, affordable hot cloud storage that our strategic partners can bundle with their own solutions to deliver lower cost, high performance service to the market,” said Marty Falaro, EVP & COO, Wasabi Technologies. “As Wasabi expands globally, partners like Probax contribute significantly to our rapid growth. Honeycomb Object Storage as a Service powered by Wasabi brings together the best of both worlds so users benefit from leading-edge cloud technology that removes prohibitive costs and complex storage tiers and instead allows them to extract real value from unlimited amounts of data when and how they need to.”

Honeycomb Object Storage is integrated with Probax’s award-winning data protection platform Hive, delivering complete visibility and control for MSPs of their customer data protection services in one place.

Hive’s built-in automation, intelligence, security, and monitoring capabilities adds further value to MSPs who are looking to leverage cost-effective Object Storage.

Probax Honeycomb Object Storage also integrates seamlessly with Veeam Software. Veeam Backup & Replication supports object storage as a destination for long-term data storage. Similarly, Veeam Backup for Office 365 and cloud-specific offerings, such as Veeam Backup for AWS, Veeam Backup for Azure, Veeam Backup for Google Cloud Platform all support object storage.

For more information, visit:

### ENDS ###

About Probax

Probax is an award-winning provider of MSP data protection solutions and services including data backup and retention, disaster recovery and business continuity. With unmatched partner enablement and support, together with continued innovation and integration with leading technology vendors including Veeam, StorageCraft, Dropbox and Microsoft; Probax empowers businesses to protect their most valuable asset, their data. Probax is a Wasabi Channel Partner and Platinum Veeam Cloud & Service Provider (VCSP) that was been awarded VCSP Innovation and VCSP Partner of the Year awards by Veeam Software.

About Wasabi Technologies

Wasabi provides simple, predictable and affordable hot cloud storage for businesses all over the world. It enables organizations to store and instantly access an unlimited amount of data at 1/5th the price of the competition with no complex tiers or unpredictable egress fees. Trusted by tens of thousands of customers worldwide, Wasabi has been recognized as one of technology’s fastest-growing and most visionary companies. Created by Carbonite co-founders and cloud storage pioneers David Friend and Jeff Flowers, Wasabi has secured nearly $275 million in funding to date and is a privately held company based in Boston. Wasabi is a Proud Partner of the Boston Red Sox, and the Official Cloud Storage Partner of Liverpool Football Club and the Boston Bruins. Follow and connect with Wasabi on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and The Bucket.

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Report: Strong 1H 2022 for the Customer Data Platform Industry, slowdown in funding and acquisitions

MILFORD, CT, United States, 25-Jul-2022 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The Customer Data Platform (CDP) industry had a strong first half in 2022 with 10% employment growth among existing vendors and eleven new companies added, according to the CDP Institute’s latest Industry Update report. Total employment grew by 2,494, the largest increase on record. However, a slowdown in funding and acquisitions may indicate investors are becoming more cautious about the industry.

The semi-annual report found that growth was strongest among the industry’s largest vendors, with the top 25% expanding employment by 13%. Remaining vendors grew an average of 4%. New entrants were also concentrated among large firms, with five of the eleven having more than 1,000 employees. These are established firms that have added CDP capabilities to existing campaign and delivery products.

The addition of new vendors with campaign and delivery capabilities reflects the continued preponderance of this group. Campaign and delivery CDPs now account for 68% of vendors (up 1% vs the previous report), 75% of employees (up 3%) and 75% of funding (up 8%).

Investment fell compared to previous periods, which may represent a market adjustment following strong acceleration early in the pandemic. The number of events over $50 million in particular dropped from five in the second half of 2021 to just one in the first half of 2022. Apart from the one large event, there were six other fundings that totaled $38 million. The only acquisition this period was BlueConic selling a majority stake to Vista Equity Partners.

“This report shows an intriguing divergence between strong user demand for CDPs, as evidenced by employment growth and new entrants, and emerging caution among investors,” commented report author David Raab. “Fortunately, major industry vendors have assembled ample financial reserves during previous periods, so we expect the funding slowdown will not limit their ability to finance future growth.”

About the Report
The CDP Industry Update Report provides detailed information on CDP vendors, employment, and funding broken by CDP type, location, founding year, and more. It includes five years of historical data collected at six-month intervals. The report can be downloaded for free at

About the Customer Data Platform Institute
The Customer Data Platform Institute is a vendor-neutral organization that educates marketers and technologists about customer data management. The Institute publishes industry news and educational materials, provides vendor comparison reports, builds directories of industry vendors and service firms, and offers Webinars, workshops, and consulting on related issues.

Customer Data Platforms are defined as “packaged software that maintains a unified, persistent customer database which is accessible to external systems.” They are the only types of packaged software specifically designed to create and share a complete view of each customer.
For more information, visit

SOURCE: EuropaWire

World Famous Fragrances Now Within Reach on Redesigned Website

Southfield, Michigan, USA, 2022-May-24 — /EPR INTERNET  NEWS/ — European Perfumes and their website developers at Precept Partners have launched an all-new website focused on providing easy access to the highest quality women’s perfumes, men’s cologne, unisex fragrances, essential oils, bath and body care, aromatherapy and home fragrance products inspired by some of the trending world’s leading brands as well as its own prestige fragrance collection.

Jeffrey Antisdel, Chief Technology Officer at Precept Partners said, “The new European Perfumes website offers layered navigation options, advanced site search, multiple bottling options for perfumes and colognes, a unisex category of fragrances, easy single step check out, encrypted secure page protocol on site wide basis, plus multiple credit card payment options.”

About European Perfumes:

Founded in 1998, European Perfumes is committed to the satisfaction of its member customers with information and services providing hundreds of affordable perfumes, colognes, fragrances, essential oils, personal care, and aromatherapy products inspired by well-known brands.

The company’s perfume oils are professionally crafted and matured. All fragrance products are International Fragrance Association (IFRA) standards compliant, free of undesirable chemicals such as phthalates, stearates and parabens so customers can enjoy their fragrance with confidence. European Perfumes guarantees that no animal testing is utilized in any of its products, and as such, all products are cruelty free.

European Perfumes keeps serving thousands of delighted customer members at its Southfield Michigan location, and online at:

About Precept Partners:

Established in 2003, Precept Partners provides Internet strategies, website design, development and online marketing and security services to clients in e-commerce, manufacturing, healthcare, technology, the arts, and not-for-profit sectors. Recognition for their work includes coverage in The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, NPR, and Inc magazine, with client awards that include the Inc 500, the Internet Retailer 500, the Hot 100 Best Retail Websites award, a Webby award and many others. More at:

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Lifetime producer Vivica A. Fox spotted with actress Camille Calvin

Los Angeles, CA , USA, 2022-May-23 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Is there a new project in the works? Vivica A. Fox is an American actress, businesswoman, and international brand. She has been involved in the entertainment industry since 1983. She has been called “the most successful black woman in Hollywood.” She has starred in films like “Kill Bill: Volume 1”, “Kill Bill: Volume 2”, “Independence Day” and “Kingdom Come.” She is also a supporter of women’s empowerment and has been a part of many campaigns to promote female entrepreneurship.

Camille Calvin is a multitalented actress and a new comer to the industry who has proven her abilities through her versatile roles in numerous films and T.V shows. Camille Calvin played the leading role in the cheer movie, Deadly Cheers, released on lifetime in Jan 2022. Her fans and friends always admire her for changing her looks and personality and showing a new face, according to the script and character and nailing it.

What’s coming?

on May 15, 2022 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel Both Vivica A. Fox and Camille Calvin appeared on the red carpet at the Pink Pump Affairs. Looking like both of them are on the same page. Vivica A. Fox has produced many cheer films for lifetime and now again has worked as the executive director of six new cheers films, including “The wrong cheer Captain,” “Killer Cheer,” “Pom Poms and Payback,” “Deadly Cheers,” “Cheer for Your Life,” and “Webcam Cheerleaders.”

Deadly Cheers

Camille Calvin plays the role of Brianna in the Deadly Cheers movie, a single mom who is excited to be the new assistant principal of the High School in the film. Things get worse when a cheerleader accidentally dies, and then the coach wants to save his reputation even by sacrificing all the other cheerleaders. This is a dramatic and suspenseful film.

The Pink Pump Affairs

They both attended the pink pump affairs to support the event and boost women’s empowerment. A pink pump affair is an event that has taken place in Los Angeles every year for the last fourteen years. It is a gathering of influencers and women entrepreneurs who are invited to attend the event for the purpose of empowering women and promoting gender equality. The Pink Pump Affair aims to create a space where women can come together and share their stories, struggles, and success stories with one another.

Who knows!!!

As Vivica A. Fox has been producing various films for a lifetime. Camille Calvin recently played a leading role in “Deadly cheers” inspiring the audience and industry. They might be looking forward to having another collaboration in the future.


Media contact:

Guzman Communications
Deborah M. Guzman

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Wacky Independent Comedy Romp “Stroke of Luck” Goes Global at Cannes

Lenox, MA, 2022-May-12 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Christian Frelinghuysen‘s directorial debut “Stroke of Luck,” is a quirky romantic comedy romp about a screw-up kid from the city falling in love with a country girl, all while getting caught up in a bizarre crime ring involving a talking horse and an evil rock star. Inspired by the works of Judd Apatow (Trainwreck, 40 Year-old Virgin), the film champions love, solves the crime, saves the farm, gets the girl and redeems relationships through a series of unpredictable events and unexpected characters.

“Stroke of Luck” will make its international launch for Cannes’ Online Market with sales being handled by Terese Linden Kohn’s TALK Global Media.

“Stroke of Luck” world premiered at the Calgary Independent Film Festival, where it won ‘Best Comedy Film.’ Since then the film has been racking up festival prizes and audience awards across the globe including ‘Best Cast’ at the Vesuvius International Film Festival, ‘Best Feature Script’ at Toronto Independent Film Festival, as well as ‘Best International Film’. At the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival alone ‘Stroke of Luck’ swept in 5 awards: ‘Best Producer,’ ‘Best Feature Director,’ ‘Best Editing,’ ‘Best Original Score,’ and ‘Best Cinematography’. Others include ‘Best Feature Film,‘ Mahattanhenge Film Awards, ‘Best Comedy Nominee,’ Lit Laughs International Comedy Film Festival (London), ‘Official Selection’ at Dublin International Comedy Film Festival and Fargo Fantastic Film Festivals.

Terese Linden Kohn, TALK Global Media, notes “now is a great time to offer the international marketplace an opportunity to acquire a film that just wants to have some fun. And who doesn’t love a talking horse!”

Young Nathan (Kyle Derosiers) has pulled a damaging prank at his school in the city and is sent to his father’s farm to work it off. But Nathan finds much more than he bargained for when he gets there, including Sarah, (Sara Ball) a very charming, independent farm hand, a bizarre crime ring, and a horse that only he can hear talk. Featuring a great cast including Patty Guggenheim (Florida Girls), and John Popper (lead singer of the band Blues Traveler). Directed and co-authored by first-time feature filmmaker, Christian Frelinghuysen. Produced by Mark Farrell (Curb Your Enthusiasm, Z Rock). Shot entirely in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts.


Where to follow the film and its journey:

Sales Contact:
Terese Linden Kohn
TALK Global Media
Facebook: @TALKglobalMedia/
Instagram: @TALKglobalMedia

Media Contact:
Terri See, Media Producer


Via EPR Network
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SEO Competitor Analysis and Its Benefits

Leeds, UK, 2022-May-09 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — The key to success in any line of work is knowing the competition. The more business owners know about the other guys in the same market, the easier it will be to stay ahead and the more advantages they will gain. The web is the most popular option people turn to when they want to boost their success and SEO competitor analysis can provide the tools to know the competition.

The Change People Have to Make the Most of

Traditional businesses and ‘mom and pop’ stores will always have their place in the world, but they will always be limited by their capacities when it comes to growing. They will do their best to maintain their livelihood and they will keep serving clients on the local market, but expansion is out of the question from the start unless they have a little bit of help to achieve their goals.

One of the main problems people are facing is making changes. When they have a certain idea in mind and they are used to conducting their activity in a certain way, it is hard to convince them there is a better option for the same thing. Even so, they have to know they must do something if they want to improve their business and the online world is the first step they should take for it.

The Web – the Environment Any Business Is Able to Thrive

Every business is unique in its own way, but most of them want to take things to the next level. When it comes to joining the online business world, company owners have a few directions they can choose. It is important to make the most of what the web has to offer and this is why they must build the online presence that will lead to the benefits they are interested in from the start.

Building a site is the first step, but it must be chosen with great care. One of the options is to go for a presentation site where details are shared about the brand, the activity of the company and how it can benefit its clients. This can raise interest about what the business has to offer and the potential clients will get in touch so they can find out more about the solutions they have at hand.

Another option would be to build an ecommerce site to sell goods over the web. This is becoming one of the most popular solutions to shop for just about any item from groceries to heavy duty equipment. No matter what they are selling, the web is going to provide access to a much wider market, it eliminates boundaries and it helps bridge the gap between the suppliers and the clients.

Search Engine Optimization – the Next Step in the Online World

Achieving success over the web may be easier than the traditional solutions, but it is still a long and difficult process. Once the company website is up and running, it is important to focus on making it more popular. Search engines are the first tools people use to find what they seek and this is why the web presence of a business must be optimized for the algorithm of search engines.

A site is more popular when it has a lot of visitors, but the number of visitors increases when the site is ranked better in search engine queries. There are quite a few solutions companies can used to attract more visitors to their website, but it is important to get quality traffic that can be turned into paying customers. This is why it is important to get in touch with a SEO expert for this.

SEO Competitor Analysis Can Improve the Online Approach

Making the company site more popular is indeed important, but keeping up to date with all the moves of the competition can provide an edge. Most companies turn to the web to achieve the goals they have in mind and some do it better than others. A company can learn more about what it takes to make it online by studying its competition and can help.

At first it may seem like cheating, but there are no secrets that will be stolen in the process. An expert can perform a SEO competitor analysis on a site to find out more about its course over the web and the stages it has gone through. This is all public knowledge and it is going to provide details of what happened over the years and the impact those changes made for their website.

The best part about working with an expert when it comes to SEO competitor analysis is that the process can be reverse engineered. This means they can replicate some of the moves made by a successful competitor and apply them to client’s web presence. The more they know about the activity of the competition, the easier it will be to achieve the success they are looking for online.

Working with the Right Experts to Conquer the Online World

It is hard to employ the best SEO experts in the field and keep them on the payroll. If they do not want to invest time and effort for this purpose, they can turn their attention to companies that will provide these services instead. for thriving businesses and company owners will be able to reap the benefits of their labor faster and with fewer efforts.

A little bit of help can go a long way and people should grab on to any helping hand they can find out there. The world of the web is full of surprises, but it can also be a challenging place for those who do not have the experience to deal with it. This is why people should work with experts that can help them set goals and achieve them. SEO competitor analysis can help them draw a bit of inspiration from the other players to make things easier.

Via EPR Network
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Art Exhibition of Hikari Sato’s artwork in Japan

WASHINGTON, 2022-Apr-12 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — A few months ago, an art exhibition that features environmental protection has been launched in Shinjuku Morita Art Museum in Japan. The works on display come from dozens of artists from all over the world, among them is Japanese wandering artist Hikari Sato. She is an environmentalist, and also a painter. She used to travel around the world studying and promoting the concepts of environmental protection, in an attempt to raise people’s awareness of protecting the earth and the natural environment.

Media contact:


Via EPR Network
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Hikari Sato Participated in Nuclear Wastewater Protest

WASHINGTON, 2022-Apr-12 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — On February 23, 2021, many Japanese people flocked to the streets of downtown Fukushima to express their opposition to the government’s decision to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea, and even representatives of some civic groups came to protest. Some Japanese experts believe that it is a hasty decision to rashly decide to discharge nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean without the on-the-spot investigation by international research institutions first. Our guest, Hikari Sato, also participated in the protest and was involved in the design of the protest posters.

For those who know Hikari Sato, this is not surprising, because environmental protection has long been a philosophy of Hikari Sato’s life. As a painter, she is used to reminding people to protect the environment through her paintings.

We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment. As Margaret Mead said, if the environment is seriously destroyed, the consequences of which for human beings are unbearable. Hikari Sato has always been promoting the concept of environmental protection with people she can reach.

“When I know that the government decides to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea, I realize that this will put people in the future into a bad situation, despite that they have claimed repeatedly that these waters are harmless. In the past 100 years of human history, we have dumped enough harmful substances in corners of nature at will, and Mother Earth can no longer take more damage.”

After that, she answered some of our questions.

Q: When did you start advocating for environmental protection?
A: When I was 20 years old, at that time I’d already been to many countries to study and create. I found that, in every country, there are people who don’t care about the environment.

Q: What have you done about it?
A: You know, I like to draw. So sometimes I would remind people of the importance of environmental protection through my paintings. There are also times when I’d participate in publicity activities, like walking with my friends on the street and explaining to people some of the knowledge about environmental protection

Q: Some people say that you being an environmental advocate is just a gesture to gain fame. What do you think about this?
A: I’m curious who said that. If it was for fame, I would have a better way of doing it. Like showing my works in exhibitions from all over the world, or getting on some TV shows, but I haven’t done any of that.

Via EPR Network
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Amphenol to demonstrate its complete range of wireless and networking solutions at #MWC22 in Barcelona

AMBOISE, France, 22-Feb-2022 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Amphenol will be exhibiting at MWC in Barcelona, Spain, and bring together the creative forces of multiple business units to demonstrate innovative networking solutions for wireless service providers. A visit to our booth will allow attendees to learn how product bundling can help providers move to all forms of hybrid networks.

The benefits of ‘One Amphenol’

Amphenol corporation consists of more than 100 companies – many of which contribute unique products for wireless network infrastructure. Doing business with any Amphenol company gives you access to a broad range of quality products, as well as a group of companies committed to work together to solve the customers need – this is the benefit of ‘One Amphenol’.

Mette Brink, CEO of Amphenol Antenna Solutions, explains, “With the resources of a worldwide corporation that employs over 80,000 people in diverse industries, it is likely we have expertise in most any area that is proving to be a challenge, or an opportunity, for a service provider.”

Four reasons to visit the Amphenol stand

• See how Amphenol can provide an integrated network solution which includes base station antenna, fiber, concealment terminal and the advanced connectors and cables to tie them all together
• Explore Amphenol Antenna Solutions’ Integra concept: The world’s first upgradable antenna, allowing MNOs to reduce carbon emission by up to 50%
• Hear the story about how Amphenol Antenna Solutions is now working with Open RAN partners to develop active mMIMO 5G antennas
• See how FTTx, connectors and other peripherals complete your cutting-edge service offering

We look forward to seeing our customers, partners and anyone else who is interested in the unparalleled depth and breadth of Amphenol. Beyond Amphenol Antenna Solutions, you will experience products and representatives from Amphenol Broadband Solutions, Amphenol Charles Industries and Amphenol Fiber Optics Products.

We welcome you to visit and discover our complete range of wireless and networking solutions at Hall 7, Stand 7B51.

For more information, visit our websites:

Amphenol Antenna Solutions:
Amphenol Broadband Solutions:
Amphenol Fiber Optic Products:
Amphenol Charles Industries:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Sortlist a dressé un tableau comparatif pour déterminer les caractéristiques de chaque pays

BRUSSELS, 15-Feb-2022 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Quelles sont les caractéristiques qui différencient un pays d’un autre ? Du pays avec le plus grand nombre de startups par habitant au pays avec le plus de micro influenceurs, Sortlist a dressé un tableau comparatif pour déterminer les caractéristiques (parfois clichées) de chaque pays. Un aperçu utile lorsqu’on cherche à s’implanter dans un nouveau marché, ou pour comprendre les différences qui existent entre les différents marchés.

La Belgique : les accros de la technologie

Petit pays et pourtant grandes opportunités ! Lorsqu’on compare les données de la Belgique avec les autres pays par ratio d’habitants, on constate que la Belgique est un acteur clé du monde tech!

Les 6 principales caractéristiques du marché belge

  • Avec 1 start-up par 20 000 habitants, la Belgique a l’un des ratios les plus élevés
  • Les emplois les plus recherchés visent le secteur informatique
  • Bien que seulement 36,9 % de la population ait un compte Instagram, les Belges n’ont pas peur de s’exprimer et d’interagir en ligne. La Belgique a le taux d’engagement le plus élevé sur Instagram, avec 4,8 % des Belges qui interagissent avec les plus grands influenceurs du monde.
  • Les femmes belges sont les plus intéressées par le porno, avec 35% de l’audience belge de Pornhub étant féminine et le terme le plus recherché étant « Lesbienne », contrairement aux autres pays, où il ne figure même pas dans le top 3.
  • Les belges font partie des leaders de l’innovation dans l’UE, avec une croissance de 9 % rien qu’en 2021, aux côtés de la Scandinavie.
  • Selon la FIFA, l’équipe nationale masculine de football belge est actuellement classée numéro 1 mondiale (janvier 2022).


Caractéristiques des autres pays analysés et tableau comparatif général

La France, les fashionistas

  • La France est le seul pays à avoir la « Mode » dans son top 5 des sujets les plus tendances sur Instagram
  • Plus de 1 100 projets français dans les secteurs « Vêtements et accessoires » et « Luxe et bijoux » ont été postés sur Sortlist en 2021. En comparaison, les Britanniques n’ont posté que 61 projets.
  • Première nation pour les exportations de parfums, 27,2% de la quantité totale de parfums exportés dans le monde sont français.

L’Allemagne, l’éternelle demoiselle d’honneur

  • Deuxième pays avec le taux de chômage le plus faible (4,3 %)
  • Deuxième pays où le salaire net moyen est le plus élevé
  • Deuxième pays où le nombre total de jeunes entreprises est le plus élevé (2259, soit 1 pour 37 000 habitants).
  • Deuxième pays avec le plus de salles de sports
  • Pays qui engage le plus auprès des nano influenceurs
  • Les allemands passent le moins de temps en ligne, avec seulement 5 heures et 26 minutes par jour.

L’Espagne, les fêtards wannabe

  • Pays avec le taux de chômage le plus élevé de notre liste.
  • Avec 1391 start-ups, le ratio de 0,29 pour 10 000 habitants est plus important qu’en Allemagne (0,26)
  • Pays qui compte le plus grand nombre de faux comptes suivant des influenceurs qui ont plus d’un demi-million de followers.
  • 18,7 % des comptes espagnols suivant des macro-influenceurs et 19,9 % des comptes suivant des méga-influenceurs sur Instagram sont faux.
  • 22/100 meilleures boîtes de nuit du monde sont situées en Espagne.

Les Pays-Bas, les amateurs d’animaux (et de porno !)

  • Pays où le salaire net moyen est le plus élevé (2 611 €) et le taux de chômage le plus faible (4,1 %).
  • Selon Forbes, c’est le quatrième meilleur pays au monde pour les affaires, ce qui en fait le deuxième meilleur pays de notre liste.
  • Avec 27 000 000 d’animaux de compagnie, il y a 10 millions d’animaux de compagnie de plus que d’habitants aux Pays-Bas, le Néerlandais moyen possède 1,5 animal.
  • 10 minutes et 38 secondes, c’est le temps moyen passé par visite sur Pornhub – le plus long de tous les pays analysés.

Émirats arabes unis, le paradis des influenceurs

  • Taux d’emploi le plus élevé (70%)
  • Deuxième taux de création de start-up (1 pour 15 000 habitants) le plus élevé
  • 205 utilisateurs de crypto-monnaies pour 10 000 habitants
  • 66% de la population possède un compte Instagram
  • Plus grand nombre de macro et méga influenceurs, ratio par habitant de 1 macro ou méga influenceur pour 13 000 habitants.

Tableau comparatif général :

Etude à lire via ce lien :
A propos de Sortlist
Fondée en Belgique en 2014 pour faciliter les achats B2B dans le secteur du marketing, Sortlist est la plus grande marketplace d’Europe dans le domaine du marketing. La plateforme met les entreprises en contact avec les agences marketing et créatives qui correspondent à leurs besoins. Aujourd’hui, Sortlist possède des succursales dans sept pays.

Contact Presse:
Aline Strouvens,, +33 769 20 38 74

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Newly launched data platform InterconnectDATA partners with S&P Global, Statista, and the IDX Indonesia stock exchange

BANDUNG, Indonesia, 5-Dec-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — PT. Teknologi Cakra Internasional has taken its commitment to authentic data to the next level with its launch of the new platform InterconnectDATA. This is yet another fascinating addition to the big data space that will enable many people to access timely insights. Teknologi Cakra Internasional has carefully studied the big data space and concluded that the future lies in insights. That is why they created InterconnectDATA, a platform that enables global businesses and professionals to find the necessary information to aid their decisions in business.

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It is an open secret that big data is crucial to the next global developmental phase. With this picture in mind, InterconnectDATA is stepping up as a business information platform in Asia that helps industry professionals streamline their business offerings. The business information platform has since its launch become a go-to for authentic data.

Its core values guide Teknologi Cakra Internasional in delivering excellent service to its clients. From innovation, agility, loyalty, and even collaboration, Teknologi Cakra Internasional explains, “we question conventional wisdom and challenge the status quo. If there is a better way, we’ll find it. We’re excited By ingenuity and thrilled to try Something new. – We are also fast and flexible, dynamic and adaptive, in Delivering pragmatic and Value-based solutions to Succeed in our business.”

To realize the vision for InterconnectDATA, Maya Miranda Ambarsari, a commissioner, Andreas Reza, the president commissioner, and Rany Fardiany, the Chief Executive Officer, worked tirelessly to launch this authentic data platform. They explain, “It started with a big question. How to find authentic data and information platforms to make the best decisions. With the answers to these questions presenting limitless opportunities, InterconnectDATA was born.”

Forming strong partnerships in the industry has helped propel InterconnectDATA and their parent company Teknologi Cakra Internasional to the forefront. They have managed to partner with S&P Global, Statista, and the IDX Indonesia stock exchange. Iwan Ridwan, the Chief Technology Officer explain, “We work with partners around the world from individual Employers and regional startups to multinational enterprises In the public and private sectors, government, and communities.”

As the new age of technology continues to lay claim on every industry, Artificial Intelligence is increasingly seeping into data and analytics. This has enabled platforms like InterconnectDATA to provide smart ways for industry professionals to gather insights around funding, acquisitions, events, and news in their industry or area of interest. The platform is geared towards speeding up the business journey and helping people better adapt as guided by authentic data. This is especially true for those with an interest in the Bursa Efek Indonesia. “We’re with you in every step of your business journey. By knowing authentic information throughout our recommendations and insights, you will continually make the best decisions.” With Teknologi Cakra Internasional handling the Information Technology side of things, InterconnectDATA is fully immersed in becoming a big data analytic platform that will change data consumption in the world. The platform’s growing popularity is a testament to the need for comprehensive data on private and public markets for various professionals. “When curiosity meets innovation, the world around us moves forward,” states CEO Rany Fardiany.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New dating site with focus on people having difficulties making new contacts

USTER, Switzerland, 22-Nov-2021 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Do you have problems making new contacts and do you also have psychological problems? On this portal you will meet people who understand you and your situation. An important pre-condition for a partnership to work in the long term.

Whether you’re looking for a new love, new friendships, someone to write to or just an adventure, you might find it here.

We deliberately refrained from asking questions about a possible illness in the profile, because the focus should be on you as a person and not on your illness. Of course, everyone is free to give certain informations about it when describing the personality. However, this is absolutely voluntary.

This dating site offers many different ways to get in touch with someone. Be it by a message, by chatting, by a wall entry, by a comment, by video etc.

The website ‘My Special Darling’ is an international dating site and can be reached at the following URL: (Info: Simply change the language from German to English!)

The first 200 members also receive a starting credit of EUR 12.- to test additional functions. However, creating a profile, viewing other profiles and sending messages is free.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Southern Europe finalists in the world’s largest startup competition for women in tech She Loves Tech 2021

MILAN, 7-Oct-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — The first edition of She Loves Tech South Europe is entering its core in October. Since the beginning of June, after campaigning and engaging the South Europe startup ecosystem, the finalists are now called for the final pitching, to showcase their business to a wide public and to the panel of international judges from diverse yet professionally relevant fields! Only 1 out of the 12 finalists will be selected as Regional Winner and as South Europe representative to attend the Global Final Competition! The greatest competition tailored to women in tech – organised by X23 Srl and covering Italy, France, Spain, Portugal – has found its champions in South Europe (in alphabetical order):

  • Baby Friendly Companies, Luxury baby gift baskets from Spain by Elena Gómez del Pozuelo
  • Best Health 4U, Material solutions for skin-interacting from Portugal by Sónia Ferreira.
  • EcoSteer, software that enables the data sharing economy from Italy by Elena Pasquali.
  • EthicHub, a social enterprise that connects small farmers with the financing needed from Spain by Gabriela Chang.
  • Ienai SPACE, highly efficient ionic-liquid electric propulsion systems and mission analysis for nano-satellites from Spain by Sara Correyero Plaza.
  • Levante, a green tech startup that designs and produces a smart, modular and deployable solar panel device from Italy by Sara Plaga.
  • MEETOPTICS, helps optical engineers and researchers in photonics find, filter and compare optics amongst verified providers in an easy and fast way from Spain by Bárbara Buades.
  • MoonAi, a mobile app that offers science-based and customized sounds to help relieve period-related pain from Spain by Laura-June CLARKE.
  • NEVARO, helps companies take care of their employees’ mental health from Portugal by Rita Maçorano.
  • Orange Fiber s.r.l., patented and manufactures sustainable fabrics for fashion from Italy by Enrica Arena.
  • The Newsroom, limiting the spread of misinformation online from Portugal by Jenny Romano.
  • U-Earth Biotech, innovative biotechnologies that reduce air pollution from Italy by Betta Maggio.

he South Europe Champions will compete in the final pitch, an online event celebrated on 13th October, from 2:00 to 4:40 PM CEST via Zoom Webinar (agenda, CLICK). A few seats are still available to get to know the best women-in-tech-led startup to join the representatives from the other 40+ countries globally in the Final Global Event on 3-4 December, 2021.
The startups will be selected by a panel of international judges expert in the startup ecosystem, while the event will host the key-note speeches from international industry experts, startup mentors and community builders, such as:

  • Yonah Welker, Board Member,, will discuss “Accessibility, algorithmic diversity and the role of women in this movement”
  • Maxwell Mirho, Host, Speaker, EntrepreNerd, will teach us “How to build a startup in 10 minutes”
  • Silvia Pulino, Professor, John Cabot University, will provide a speech about the “Gender Gap in STEM”.

Ready to discover the next top South Europe Women in Tech winner?
Don’t miss your chance and REGISTER NOW!

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Connection to the Real World: Revelation is Revealed

Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2021-Oct-08 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Amid the rise of uncertainty about the present and future of humanity triggered by the pandemic, COVID misinformation, including the lack of trust in the medical field and misunderstanding in the religious world, increases various concerns in daily life.

In the United States, rumors are circulating that the COVID vaccine is the “mark of the beast.” This apocalyptic biblical term is from Revelation 13 and is usually interpreted as being attached to Satan and subsequently diverging from God. Additionally, people regardless of religious background frequently encounter the question – does the COVID-19 signify “the end of the earth?”

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, announced that it will hold a round of weekly seminars titled, “Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God’s New Covenant” from October 18th to December 27th.

The seminars, broadcasting live on YouTube, will provide explanation of prophecies recorded from every chapter of Revelation based on the 5W1H (who, what, when, where, why, how) method. The lecturers include Chairman Lee Man-hee, who has said that he is a witness who saw and heard all the events of the book physically fulfilled in the real world (Revelation 22:16).

Previously, the SCJ Word Seminar held in August attracted 1,700 pastors and 28,000 people globally. “The number of participants at this time reflects their interest and effort to understand the words of Revelation consistently with the words of the rest of the books of the Bible,” said Mr. Kim Shin-chang, General Director of the International Mission Department of Shincheonji Church.

The Shincheonji Church also added that the book of Revelation is written in parables and has not been explained through the real world, but instead only through human thoughts and non-biblical speculative theories which has misguided believers and instigated social disorder. The church also emphasizes that understanding the true meaning of the book of Revelation is to see how the prophecies expressed in parables have been physically fulfilled in the world today according to the Bible.

Media contact:

Shincheonji Church AU
+61 401 909 117

CircaArts Gallery Re-Launches with Responsive Website

South Bend, Indiana, USA, 2021-Oct-05 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — CircaArts Gallery announces a new, updated website located at which showcases works of art exhibited on the gallery floor at 528 E. Colfax Ave. The new website features dynamic responsive design engineered by the local website design powerhouse, Precept Partners. Of special note, the new website puts emphasis not on shopping art related transactions, but on more personal relationship based design facets that encourage communication between CircaArts and its clients.

CircaArts Art & Tile Gallery, Carpenter Gothic, Vintage Twill and CircaArts Gallery

The CircaArts Gallery, is a sophisticated yet approachable gallery, representing regional artists with an emphasis on artisans working within the Arts & Crafts movement. Carpenter Gothic works are created from unrelated, found objects and architectural details. They are constructed to form one-of-a-kind furniture and decorative elements. Carpenter Gothic also sells antiques and collectibles, both large and small. Vintage Twill is a vintage clothing and accessories gallery showcasing men’s and women’s vintage clothing, coats and accessories.

CircaArts is located in the East Bank Village, on the east side of downtown South Bend. It’s the building with a well known mural featured on the side Hill Street side. CircaArts Gallery was founded in 2001. The gallery represented 60 local artists of all kinds, and artwork at all price points.

Over time, the gallery represented fewer artists and went to higher quality and price points. At that moment in time, a key decision was made to concentrate on the Arts & Crafts movement (as in Frank Lloyd Wright) aesthetic. The result was a targeted look and that hosted regional artisans in that tradition. Decorative tiles, landscape paintings and oak furniture are hallmarks of the gallery content. Kathy Reddy White, the owner of the gallery, is a tile maker, so her Ziggurat Tiles line fit in perfectly with the newly refined approach. Win win!

CircaArts Gallery partnered with Junk Evolution until they retired. Carpenter Gothic Furniture took their place. The gallery also partners with Vintage Twill, (vintage clothing). The experience of three gallery approach housed at one location makes the trip an especially rewarding experience.
Facebook/circa arts gallery
Instagram/circa arts gallery
Facebook/vintage twill
Instagram/vintage twill
Facebook/carpenter gothic furniture

Via EPR Network
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Black-Owned FitTech Start-Up Aims to Fix Healthcare for African Americans

LOS ANGELES, CA, 2021-Sep-21 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — JunBugg Fitness Social Network, Wall Street’s “first and only luxury social media brand,” created by African American founder Louis Green, today announced the launch of its NextGen fitness website. Using computer algorithms, JunBugg integrate entertainment into health by sharing unique fitness solutions related to one’s body-type, that leads to better fitness results in least time — influencing success for a higher quality of life.

The start-up website boasts a sleek interface, vibrant logo, sophisticated font-type, and beautiful images, built on sophisticated software engineering. Through social engagement, members of similar health conditions and body-types share fitness strategies and medical solutions to get fit. JunBugg use algorithms that recommend relevant solutions to newsfeeds, the same technology that has allowed — TikTok, Netflix, and Amazon to be successful. The NextGen Search Database deliver relevant fitness matches for personalized training.

A personalized fitness solution, members engage, collaborate, and work as a team. Teamwork allows members to foster camaraderie, innovate, and better problem solve fitness and health obstacles. The bigger the network grows, the more cures that are created. Algorithms see patterns of successful fitness solutions, learns the most effective ones, and recommend them to newsfeeds. As solutions evolve and improve, the algorithm learns and thus recommend those.

The African American community was hit hard by COVID19, who stand to gain the most from JunBugg, for a higher quality of life. The platform is easily accessible and allows equal quality of health care while being affordable. The management of health conditions is the biggest benefit, and prevention of disease as opposed to disease treatment, by being fit through exercise and eating healthy. See boutique fitness solutions —

Unlike traditional social media services — TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, whose services are free, JunBugg’s boutique membership offerings range between $30 and $500 a month. Fees are comparable to other boutique studios and fitness services, such as — Equinox, SoulCycle, Peloton, and YogaWorks.

It’s all about fitness wealth and a higher quality of life. The first of its kind, JunBugg will forever change fitness and healthcare,” said Louis. “People are an amazing resource that’s never been used in this way — through the power of social media technology, to solve problems through entertainment.”

Via EPR Network
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Three New Awards Highlight Chocolate Moose Media’s Innovative Approach

OTTAWA, Canada, 2021-Sep-16 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — Awards are given at the international, national and local levels.

I am pleased to receive these recognitions because of their emphasis on innovation to create progressive social change.” — CMM Founder Firdaus Kharas

Chocolate Moose Media (CMM) has been named:

  • Most Innovative Animated Shorts Production Company 2021
  • Most Outstanding Innovative Short Film Producer – Canada
  • Top Social Startups and Companies in Ottawa (2021)

The naming by The Global 100 Awards, Corporate Vision Magazine, and Best Startup Ca respectively all cited innovation and societal impact in their criteria. The three awards add to the 115 other awards CMM and its founder have received.

About Chocolate Moose Media

Founded in Ottawa, Canada in 1995, Chocolate Moose Media (CMM) is the world’s leading producer of animated behaviour-change communications aimed at alleviating health, human rights and social issues around the world. Led by renowned social innovator, director and humanitarian Firdaus Kharas, CMM produces animation, documentaries, videos and television series designed to educate, entertain and change societal and individual behaviour in order to better the human condition. More than 3,600 animated videos in 245 language versions are available online without charge in a Vimeo channel.

Via EPR Network
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Vincenzo Bocciarelli will introduce the Final of International Sacred Music Competition 2021 on September 18th

LOS ANGELES, 2021-Sep-15 — /EPR INTERNET NEWS/ — From 15 to 18 September Rome will host the live stages of the International Sacred Music Competition. 2021, a true world championship of the solo repertoire of sacred music in which 75 opera singers of 37 different nationalities will participate, selected from the nearly 100 members of the online Elimination which was held in July.

From 15 to 18 September Rome will host the live stages of the International Sacred Music Competition. 2021, a true world championship of the solo repertoire of sacred music in which 75 opera singers of 37 different nationalities will participate, selected from the nearly 100 members of the online Elimination which was held in July. The winners will be chosen during the Final, in the form of a Gala Concert, which will take place on Saturday 18 September at 20:30 at the Basilica SS. Apostles in the presence of the Honorary Committee formed by Ambassadors to the Holy See and to the Italian Republic who will participate in the award ceremony.

The evening will be introduced by Vincenzo Bocciarelli, a beloved theatrical and film actor born at the school of Giorgio Strehler, confirmed after the excellent performance last year and will be broadcast by Tele Pace worldwide and by Vatican Radio.

This year the volcanic conductor, while the jury will retire, will entertain the audience and the competitors with some nice brackets during which he will recite poems, songs, and … the rest will be a surprise. “I am happy and honored – declared Bocciarelli – to be conducting the International Sacred Music Competition for the second year. Seeing the blossoming of new young talents, full of passion and enthusiasm for art, is deeply comforting. It means that despite everything, the world linked to quality and prestige shows continues to survive … ”

Bucciarelli’s was a summer full of events that marked an important recovery step, especially in a delicate moment like the one we are experiencing.

The emotions and the success in Sicily at the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento and at the Naro Castle with the show “Limitless” written by Serenella Bianchini, where he was the protagonist and directed it.

Support Let’s Sing Oratorio Music – Sacred Music Competition by booking on Eventbrite

The International Sacred Music Competition is the international selection of “Let’s Sing Oratorio Music!” the only cultural project in Europe dedicated to spreading the Musical Oratory among compulsory school children through an unforgettable educational and theatrical experience in which they will sing in the theater in front of the public. “We are already preparing them despite the difficulties of the pandemic shows will take place at the Rendano Theater in Cosenza on 3 and 5 December in which the very young Calabrian spectators will discover the magic of the Musical Oratory.

In this moment of enormous difficulty for music, we ask you to support us with a small donation to allow at least 50 children and young people who are most in difficulty in Cosenza to participate for free in the Let’s Sing Oratorio Music shows that will be held in December at the Rendano Theater. We remind you that it will also be possible to make a donation during the streaming broadcasts of the semifinals. Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that the Ministry of Culture did not want to co-finance the project, despite the fact that Let’s Sing Oratorio Music – International Sacred Music Competition was one of the very few Italian projects selected by the European Union .”

Via EPR Network
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